Phone (317) 398 - 3505
Address: 1501 Miller Ave. Shelbyville, IN 46176
ISO 9001 : 2015
Darren Brewer, President
Randy Moorhead, Vice President
Jeff W. Brown, Sales Manager
[email protected]

Industries We Serve
Brewer Machine & Manufacturing Inc. Specializes In Serving The Auto, Construction, Agriculture, Aerospace, Marine, Fiberglass/Insulation, Food, Medical, and Contract Manufacturing
Brewer Machine & Manufacturing Inc. Is A 45,000 Sq. Ft. Industrial CNC Machining and Fabrication Corporation Offering A Extensive Variety Of CNC Machining , Welding / Fabrication , 5 Axis Waterjet Cutting, And Installation Services. Both Our CNC Machining , Welding / Fabrication Divisions Have Extensive Experience Dealing With Materials From Stainless Steels, Aluminum, Titanium, Cast Iron , And High Nickel Alloys. This Experience Combined With Our Team Approach , Productivity, And Our Dedicated Employees Enables Us To Produce The Highest Quality Products. These Services Provide Our Clients With Higher Productivity, Greater Reliability, And Improved Profits.